When Dates Go Wrong…RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
7 million views
Created by Martha Williams
The Inspiration
“Run for Your Life” is a fiction show motivated by my personal quest to understand both the absurdity and complexity behind the/my search for love in modern technological times. With the onslaught of dating and hookup sites comes more accessibility, more options, more noise, and even more dating stories… Like the time I went out with “Ray-Ban Man,” who refused to take his sunglasses off for the entire date. In fact, the third time I asked him, he said, “The more you ask, the more it won’t happen.” Uh-hem, do I smell a power struggle?
I know I’m not alone in both the PAIN and COMEDY of online dating and wanted to make something that could bring us together so we can find love in better ways.
**Winner of the NYWIFT Outstanding Creator of a New York Series**
Run for Your Life is Run Lola Run meets Tinder
The Maker’s Inspiration
“Run for Your Life” is a fiction show motivated by my personal quest to understand both the absurdity and complexity behind the/my search for love in modern technological times.
And I know I’m not alone in both the PAIN and COMEDY of online dating.
I’m asking, “How can we do it better?!”
Richard meets Sarah for a late-night hook-up only to be inundated by her dog AND ex-boyfriend/roommate/supervisor. Will the mishap go into Richard’s performance review?
Looking for a little adventure, Celine decides to meet chef Dan at his restaurant after hours. Turns out Dan’s into “green beans.”
Richard hopes for a more substantial connection with Kendra, a “freelance CEO” who is more than hard core.
Celine meets Paul a “new-age guy.” I mean, what could go wrong?
Technology Can Help You Find Love, But Why Can It Inspire Cardiovascular Activity?
WHY ? (1) No more rules = upside down town
Although technology has made us way more connected, it has also made us think ANYTHING GOES. Now, this CAN be great, but it can also turn the honeybees around. Rules help us live in a shared reality, but there’s no more town hall or church center that says this is it! Hence, bad behavior can create upside-down town.
WHY ? (2) Stranger dating = stinky petri dish
Online dating is mostly strangers colliding their varying degrees of fetish, freak, size, lies, mental illness, beliefs, drinking problems, and desire for love, sex, marriage, or distraction.
WHY? (3) Dating surplus = disposable diaper mentality
When I first started online dating, I treated men like disposable diapers. I was careless with myself and them. Thankfully, this eventually changed.
Run for Your Life
If you’re truly looking for a connection, The accumulation of the “I can’t believe this is happening again,” feeling will inevitably inspire you to work it out like Forrest Gump.